Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Camping Site Innerpage Design

- finished designing web bargains page
- finished designing men's products page
- finished designing women's products page
- finished designing youth products page

I just found out yesterday that my AC is busted. I need to buy a new one in time for summer. I dont know which brand to buy. You have Haier, Whirlpool, Sharp, GE -- a lot of choices. Id probably buy a 21 BTU window air conditioning unit. Yeah. I might just do that.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Camping Site Homepage Design

- finished homepage design

Maybe I should take sleeping pills like Ambien or Siestra. No matter how long I take a nap, I cant seem to feel satisfied. I am longing for a long deep relaxing sleep but i cant seem to experience it.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Camping Website

- designed homepage of camping website (60% done)

I was eating at a deli a while ago when I saw a truck unloading Sony High definition TVs. Its just funny how the workers just throw those expensive 50" flat screen TVs at the curb.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Videogamebuttons: Ratings, Cover Art

- started rating all Xbox games based on Gamespot rating
- supplied cover art for games that are missing game cover graphics


The new Super Mario game is better than Medal of Honor or Tony Hawk Skateboard game combined. In fact, if you try playing it on an Xbox 360, you might be able to appreciate the game instead of playing it using a crappy PSP or Nintendo DS.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Videogamebuttons Day!

All games under PC, PS2, PS3 and PSP systems

- provided missing cover art to games
- rated every game based on Gamespot ratings
- fixed file-naming error which is causing cover art image not to show due to double hyphen and double quotes on game title

Consult a doctor about your sleeping pill questions. Siestra and Valium are very powerful prescription sleep aids. Some people would write sleep aide. I prefer aid to aide. Sleep Apnea is a very common problem.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

VGB Featured Game of the Week

Video Game Buttons
- designed featured game graphics for Lost Planet
- designed featured game graphics for Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
- supplied missing buttons/movements for Wii and PS3
- looked for missing cover art for Wii and PS3
- updated broken affiliate links throughout the website

Fedders, Whirlpool, Sunpentown & AMCOR do make pretty quiet window ACs. I had a Soleus split-type air conditioning and its not as quiet compared to these brands.

Monday, January 22, 2007

VGB Featured Game, BG Google Ad images

- replaced main featured game of the week to World of Warcraft - Burning Crusade
- updated sub featured game to Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Vegas
- updated games with missing cover art

Ethanol Info
- added images to Google ads by embedding it as DIV background
- re-installed all Google ads on all the pages
- optimized CSS and fixed some alignment glitches

Yesterday was my first time playing Massively Multiplayer Online Game(MMO) and boy its maps are really huge. I can imagine why these kids go crazy about playing World of Warcraft or maybe The Sims. Blizzard's new installment if WOW is called Burning Crusade.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Learn From Toys, Google Ad images, VGB, Hidefster

Learn From Toys
- fixed Articles and Blog links on homepage
- fixed Blog section on homepage since it is overflowing unto the next DIV

- re-aligned all Google ad placement since we took out images beside the Google ads

- re-aligned all Google ad placement since we took out images beside the google ads

- brainstormed with Alex on the functionalities of the site CMS (ie. how the content will flow etc.)

Rejoice Christian
- re-aligned all Google ad placement since we took out images beside the google ads


I bought a Haier Split type AC last weekend and finally got a chance to use it last night. Even though it was a pretty cold night. I get to use the anti-freeze remote control which is pretty neat.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Google images, Articles glitch, 2007 updates

All Sites
- updated all pages to 2007

Ethanol Info
- fixed articles glitch that causes pages to break
- tweaked CSS
- removed images associated with google ads instead of hiding them via CSS

HDTV Videogames
- fixed articles glitch that causes pages to break
- tweaked CSS
- removed images associated with google ads instead of hiding them via CSS

PC Videogames
- removed images associated with google ads instead of hiding them via CSS
- fixed articles glitch that causes pages to break

If you cant find sleeping vitamins that will let you get some quality and natural sleep better than Ambien, Lunesta or Xanax. It will leave you feeling refreshed in the morning and the next day.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Google Ad fixes for Learn from Toys, Hidesfster, Rejoice Christian

Checked all Google ad images on all sites if its removed

Learn from Toys
- fixed alignment of Google ads since images has been removed
- fixed broken homepage due to CSS glitch
- fixed blog and articles alignment on homepage
- fixed broken articles and blog page

- fixed alignment of Google ads since images has been removed

Rejoice Christian
- fixed alignment of Google ads since images has been removed

- fixed alignment of Google ads since images has been removed

I'm thinking of buying a car.. get a flex fuel vehicle. I believe this is the way of the future. You are making a big step in helping make the earth a better place by limiting carbon monoxide emission which is very harmful to the environment. Go green.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

PC Videogames, VGB, Hidefster

PC Videogames
- finished CSS conversion of Review page template
- finished CSS conversion of Hardware page template
- finished CSS conversion of Blog page template

- added cover art for missing PS2 games
- modified screen shots displayed on the homepage

- modified product alignment on VGB Store

Now that its getting cold, my brand new white Amcor AC that I bought last week is useless. Cant believe I bought a new window AC with built-thermostat control for nothing. Its 2horsepower AC and its a split-type model.

Monday, January 08, 2007

PC Videogames Inner Pages

- rearranged layout of elements on the index page
- finished homepage CSS conversion
- finished converting 'PC Games inner' page template to CSS
- finished converting 'Hardware' inner page template to CSS

I saw a ridiculously cheap portable Sharp Air conditioning unit yesterday and it is even an outdated anti-freeze feature. It has a dual remote control and comes with the carry-on bag.

Friday, January 05, 2007

PC VideoGames CSS, Hidefster H Tags, Learn from toys

PC VideoGames
- worked on CSS conversion of homepage (80% done)

- worked on H tag hierarchy
- added content on homepage

Learn from Toys
- replaced homepage filler text with actual content

Nintendo DS or PSP?
That a tough choice but for me PSP has better exclusive games like Metal Gear Acid, Grand Theft Auto, Killzone and maybe Resident Evil. DS has cool games like Zelda, Brain Age and Nintendog.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

PC Videogames CSS Conversion

- started converting PC Videogame homepage to CSS
- provided game cover art for various VGB Xbox 360 games


The new Super Mario game is better than Medal of Honor or Tony Hawk Skateboard game combined. In fact, if you try playing it on an Xbox 360, you might be able to appreciate the game instead of playing it using a crappy PSP or Nintendo DS.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

VGB featured game, PC Videogames

PC Videogames
- finished designing reviews template
- finished blog template
- finished all inner page templates

- updated 'featured game of the week' to 'Gears of War'

It has been a long day. I cant wait to go home and enjoy lounging around at home with my brand new White Sharp 8000 BTU Air Conditioner. It has the Rest Easy Remote technology and anti-freeze mechanism that makes it so perfect for the coming summer season.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

PC Videogames design, Hidefster updates

PC Videogames
- designed innerpage template for PC Games page
- designed inner page template for Hardware page
- adjusted layout on the homepage design

- added PS3 content on gaming page

2006 has been a great year for HDTV. With the emergence of new cutting-edge HD technologies and coupled with the release of numerous great HD products, it has truly been a wonderful year. Soon they will release a 200" plasma TV and the portable HD handset.