Tuesday, October 31, 2006

VGB, Just Shipping Supplies, Rejoice Chirstian

Christian Rejoice
- finished designing all inner page templates
- started converting homepage design to CSS

Just Shipping Supplies
- fine-tuned CSS
- fixed graphics on the homepage and product pages

- added buttons to DS platform
- updated DS controller main graphics

task for tomorrow:
- continue converting Rejoice Christian site to CSS/XHTML

I have been playing Midnight Run for a couple of days now on an XBOX 360. I can say its clear hands-down unbelievably sweet compared to when I was playing it on a PS2 console. Graphics are more detailed and crisp. Imagine playing it on a PS3 or a Wii

Monday, October 30, 2006

Just Shipping Supplies, Rejoice Christian, Infolearner

Just Shipping Supplies
- uploaded site to live server
- added content to articles page (Shipping Tips, Packing Tips and Packing Fragile Items)
- created articles listings page
- updated footer links
- updated all ticker tape navigation
- added google ad banners to articles

Rejoice Christian
- continued designing inner page templates
- finishing up with articles page template

- added Just Shipping highlight box to Infolearner homepage

task for tomorrow:
- continue designing Rejoice Christian inner page templates

In a sleeping dictionary, Siestra is like cheap Lunesta. Xanax will probably help you fall asleep like a baby. So what is Ambien? Consult the sleeping supplement experts if you have a problem sleeping.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Rejoice Christian Site Design

- finished designing homepage template
- finished designing product listing templates
- incorporated google ad units to the design
- currently working on articles and blog templates

task for Monday:
- continue designing inner page templates
- highlight Ethanol Info on Infolearner website

I read an ad about the 103 inch 1080p Plasma HDTV this morning. Oh my God, you must be filthy rich to drop some serious dough for that kind of TV. It was priced at more than 50k. Wow. Imagine playing Xbox 360 or PS3 on that beast. phew. I could only wish.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just Shipping Supplies CSS Conversion

- finalized CSS conversion for Just Shipping Supplies site
- added favicon to website
- cleaned-up extra html and CSS tags
- created template for blog
- created template for articles
- created template for contact reply page

task for tomorrow:
- start designing Christian Rejoice Site

The new Contra game is better than Super Mario Cart and Silent Hill games combined. In fact, if you try playing it on a Nintendo Wii, you might be able to appreciate the game more instead of playing it using a crappy Xbox or PS2 console.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ethanol Info, Just Shipping Supplies

Just Shipping Supplies
- finishing up with inner page conversion
- optimizing CSS and XHMTL from extraneous codes

Ethanol Information
- updated inner pages and load up with content

Style Sheets
- optimising stylesheets from all the websites that we developed


Natural sleep drugs should be given for free since it restores natural and healthy sleep. Cheap valium is a great idea. Just like when you order online and they send your valium overnight.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ethanol Info, Just Shipping Supplies

Ethanol Info
- added content on inner pages
- updated site navigation
- added Ethanol Co-Products to the navigation
- removed Aviation and Ethanol Production links

Just Shipping Supplies
- added Articles, Forum and Blog links to the navigation
- worked on inner page conversion

task for tomorrow:
- finalize inner page conversion for Just Shipping Supplies site
- beef-up Ethanol inner pages esp. Ethanol E-10 page

Now that its getting colder at night, I don't use my brand new Haier AC anymore. I should sell it so that I could buy a new AC with temperature control next year. I should buy Sharp or York next time.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Just Shipping Supplies Website

- finished with homepage conversion
- finished converting product page template
- working on other inner page templates

task for tomorrow:
- continue working on inner page CSS conversion
- research on Christian websites for inspiration

Xbox NBA2K7 has better reviews than NBA Live 2007. Im planning to shift to Xbox - if only they have a PS2-like controller compatible for the Xbox console. With the same button layout and controller settings. That would be sweet.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Just Shipping, Hidefster

Just Shipping
- finished homepage conversion
- working on inner page CSS conversion

- created graphics for Plasma/LCD Viewing Angle diagram

task for tomorrow:
- continue working on 'just shipping site'

I just switched to siestra sleep vitamins since it is proven to be more effective than leading sleeping pills like ambien and lunesta.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Just Shipping CSS Conversion

- started converting homepage template to CSS

task for tomorrow:
- finish up with CSS conversion of homepage
- start converting inner pages

I went to buy my first hi-definition television this weekend. I bought a Sony 42" DLP TV. Crisp, clear and stunning graphics. I cant wait to go home and watch Monday Night Football.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ethanol Information, VGB

Ethanol Info
- beefed-up inner pages with our ethanol content
- changed htm files to php
- site ready for uploading

- created a loading animated gif for cheat/button pages

Natural sleep vitamins should be given for free since it restores deep and healthy sleep. Cheap xanax is absolutely a great idea. Just like when you order online and they send your ambien overnight.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Just Shipping Supplies, VideoGameButtons

Just Shipping Supplies
- refined homepage design
- finished designing inner pages

Video Game Buttons
- cross-checked buttons on Xbox games for missing/broken images

task for tomorrow:
Beef-up Ethanol-Info website

Should I get a PS3 or Xbox 360? Thats a tough choice but for me PS3 has better exclusive games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Motor Storm, Devil May Cry, Tekken, The Getaway, Grand Theft Auto 4, Killzone and maybe Resident Evil. Xbox 360 has superior graphics though so that's a big factor to consider too.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just Shipping Supplies Site Design

Just Shipping Supplies
- designing homepage of 'Just Shipping Supplies'

- worked on cheat module
- replaced tab colors to distinguish with other sections on right column of site

task for tomorrow:
- finish up on homepage design
- start designing inner templates

I miss playing with my PS2. I haven't played NBA Live 2005 for over a three months now. That's like a record for me ever since I started playing the Madden Series way back since Madden 99. I'm seriously thinking of switching to Ninendo Wii though, but the thing is, it has a weird controller.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Video Game Buttons, Hidefster

- Changed main featured game to 'Gears of War'
- Added new game graphics to the sub featured games (i.e. Rockstar Table Tennis, Scarface and NBA Live 07)
- Added new games to the database (i.e. Rockstar Table Tennis, Scarface and NBA Live 07)

- updated reviews and ratings

task for next week:
- start designing shipping-packaging site

Gears of War for Xbox 360 is quite similar to Army of Two for PlayStation 3. I'm sure they are both awesome games but I feel like Army of Two will be more successful due to the fact that Gears of War is similar to Freedom Warriors or SOCOM where you have your team and try to give them specific orders that they should follow. I'm more into the cooperative game play so Army of Two is more appealing to me.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Updates on Existing Websites

Natural Sleep Store
- fine-tuning on product pages
- changed font colors and sizes to enhance pages
- fixed column overlap on product page

Cool Air Store
- fine-tuning on product pages
- changed font colors and sizes to enhance pages

Video Game Buttons
- replaced GameBoy Advanced controller image
- added buttons for GameBoy Advanced

while updating the glossary of the hidefster site, I learned so many things about HDTV. Learning the difference between DLP, LCD or 1080p is very interesting. I've always thought Digital TV is the same as HDTV... boy I was wrong. Read up on the Hidefster and try to learn more things about HTDV. You will be amazed how little you know about the subject.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ethanol Info, Cool Air Store, Hidefster

Ethanol Info
- added favicon to website

Cool Air Store
- cleaning-up content
- fixing alignment on product pages

- worked on search function
- added 'Search Keyword' text field on the Finder Module
- added links to homepage info boxes
- fixed blog boxes alignment

work for tomorrow:
- continue working on coolairstore content


Its Major League PlayOffs! You better buy your HDTV and catch those awesome plays. Buy a 56" Plasma or a 42" LCD with 1080p. Get a Samsung or a Sony HDTV

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ethanol Info, Natural Sleep Store

Ethanol Info
- finished working on Ethanol Info site
- converted inner page templates to Xhtml/CSS

Natural Sleep Store
- fixing alignment on all the pages
- widening divs to accommodate more data esp on the product boxes

tasks for tomorrow:
- add favicon to ethanol info site
- design search banner for natural sleep store
- fix product box alignment


I need a new window air conditioner for the next year. My AC broke down the latter part of the summer season. I'm thinking of buying York or Sharp although I still dint know which one has the higher rating.